A review by oneday_atbookland
The First Ten Years: Two Sides of the Same Love Story by Joseph Fink, Meg Bashwiner


*I received a digital review copy from NetGalley & the publisher*

I've been a fan of Welcome to Night Vale for years and have been able to see the show tour a few times so this was a must read book for me and it didn't disappoint! In it, we get to learn about the relationship between Joseph Fink (creator of WTNV) and Meg Bashwiner (a frequent performer on WTNV) from each of their own point of views. I'm sure this format has been done before but here it feels refreshing and unique. Both writers are able to weave in their own issues, anxieties, and life choices while talking about their life choices and it still feels cohesive given the format. A quick and easy read, perfect for podcast fans and young adults.