A review by aminowrimo
By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept: A Novel of Forgiveness by Paulo Coelho


This is the love story of Pilar and 'him.' I don't think his name is mentioned at all during the narrative.

I'm not sure how many stars to give it— the love story is so wrapped up in advice and information and the author's beliefs that I can't say if I liked it or not. The information and beliefs expressed in the book make sense. They feel true, but they don't resonate with me. Perhaps I'll have to read it again later.

And even though a few things definitely went over my head, this book makes me feel calm, as if everything's going to work out well, as if I don't have to worry about anything. I don't know why. I didn't get this reaction to [b:The Witch of Portobello|816720|The Witch Of Portobello|Paulo Coelho|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1178654373s/816720.jpg|13855759]— it made me want to read it and get it over with. But this one makes me feel quiet and content. And yet I didn't love the book like I love the books I give five stars to. It didn't make my heart thrill, nor did it make me think: "I love this book. I really love this book. I'm going to reread this book a thousand times." But neither did it make me think, "WHEN WILL IT END?" like most of the "I-really-love-this-story" books.

So how do you rate that?