A review by blakehalsey
Everyone We've Been by Sarah Everett


Oh holy cats what a tense, emotional, gut-wrenching, effing gorgeous ride. For real. I had a STRONG emotional reaction to this book. I cried real tears. This book is beautifully written & I can't say much, because spoilers, but I am going to point out a WONDERFUL thing about this story. It is all about realizing that there this no magic spell for getting through tough shit, be it mental illness or situations or what have you. And I think that is such a HUGE thing for teens to read about. Everything feels so catastrophic at that age. And some things are. But w/ help & people & meds & crying & bravery & whatever it is one needs, these things can be faced. Moreover, they can become IMPORTANT because they are YOURS. They are part of you, something that makes you you, makes your life what it is, molds how you see the world and those around you. This book is special, y'all. SPECIAL.