A review by laurla
Dragon's Time by Todd McCaffrey, Anne McCaffrey

- I got a little tired of the constant counting of dragons. I know they wanted to make a point of how few were left, but since they keep telling us as they die, the constant counts felt repetitive and unnecessary. lots of that could have easily been shortened/cut.
- theres a lot of loss and death in this book that made me cry numerous times.
- even with those two points, I still enjoyed the book.

"we are stars in the darkness. we burn bright, beacons for others. we cannot see our own light, only those of others. our light lights others, as their light lights us. and so while there are stars, there can never be darkness."

"you let me worry about tomorrow."
"if you don't mind, i'd prefer it if you could worry a little faster."

"how can you be so sure your wits aren't addled?"
"because they're the same wits I had yesterday, and the day before that as well."