A review by mountie9
Jane and the Damned by Janet Mullany


The Good Stuff

* Jane Austen style but quirky, fun and not so polite and dry (To me anyway)
* Could have been awkwardly written but so wasn't
* Great storyline kept you interested (and kept me from going to bed as it was so delightful)
* Never was a fan of reading Austen's works as they were always overly polite (Yes I know that is how people spoke in those times, but I am not from those times and it was difficult to read for someone who isn't overly polite and flowery) Loved watching the movies though
* The vampires didn't have the typical aversions to sunlight, garlic etc
* Lively and fun and delightfully quirky

The Not so Good Stuff

* Kept me up reading it because I wanted to know what happened
* Didn't "love" the ending but it was a good ending
* Cover is dull

Favorite Quotes/Passages

"I assure you my reputation will not suffer. If anything, it is you who will be talked about and speculated upon for a good many days, but as you are a visitor to the neighborhood, that would happen anyway."

"You may be one of the Damned, but you are still my daughter." He blew his nose and gave her a brave smile. "Not a word to your mother."

"How she longed for an etiquette book for the damned."

"Good God, you females need no encouragement whatsoever not to fight like gentlemen."
What I Learned

* I would have gone completely insane in the 1700's with all the politeness and lack of interesting things for women to do. That and I wouldn't do to well with the whole women weren't equal thing
* Vampires are hot -- ok that is so not new, I've had a thing for Vampires since I was in Grade 3 and was introduced to Dracula
* I may now be willing to try and read Austen again -- no never mind off to the video store to rent Persuasion with Ciaran Hinds

Who should/shouldn't read

* Die hard Austen fans may be upset or irritated by this whole concept
* Those who need things historically accurate may also be offended by the alternative reality of late 1700 England
* Other than that I think there is something for everyone

4 Deweys

I received this from HarperCollins in return for an honest review -- no money changed hands and no bribes were offered (unfortunately).