A review by kspear22
Slayer by Kiersten White


Despite never being a Buffy fan, I was intrigued by the idea of this story.

And for the most part, I really enjoyed it. It’s not without its issues, but I think most people will like it for its references and fun factor.

Nina is initially weak. Not a Watcher, she spends time healing...which seems to be her calling. Until something big changes insider her. And she becomes more. Along with this new aspect of her comes some changes to her world. The reappearance of demons and worse, her former crush.

So, I could sympathize with her about a lot of things in her life. It wasn’t hard to feel sorry for her. But I also felt her inner dialogue became repetitive after a while. She worried CONSTANTLY about the same things. She also thought the worst about her mother (which I could completely understand).

As she’s trying to unravel the reason for the demons reappearance, she’s also trying to handle her new abilities, find out what her mother is hiding, decipher her feelings on her former crush, etc. There is a lot going on, but it was almost too drawn out at times. This is the first book I’ve read from White, so I can’t say for sure if she’s always wordy, but yeah. I was tempted to skim more than a few times just to see if SOMETHING would happen. Eventually it does, but it’s really close to the end. Probably the last 15%. Which really makes up for the pacing issues I had for the rest of the story.

I wasn’t surprised by the ‘revelation’ towards the end. It’s pretty easy to see coming if you’ve ever read any story in which a character comes off as too perfect. It’s a neon red flag, for real. So while it wasn’t surprising, I was surprised at other pieces. (And omg, the epilogue is GENIUS!!)

Anyway, enjoyable for the most part. You’ve just gotta trudge though a lot of...teenage angst and questioning of themselves. I do look forward to seeing what happens next for the characters and will definitely pick up the next installment!