A review by heathenpenguin
Heart on a Chain by Cindy C. Bennett


Reading Heart on a Chain is like watching a soap opera or a family drama TV movie, only it's less irritating and not stupefying. The story has plenty of drama staples
Spoilerlike: MC is abused by parents, who are both addicts; dad is an alcoholic while mum has mental problems; MC's family is very poor; the reveal that MC's ADOPTED; LI's family is practically perfect; LI himself is practically perfect; MC manages to win over LI's family with almost zero effort...like I said, a lot
, but it managed to squeeze sympathy from me. I guess it's because the story read a bit like a fairy tale to me. It felt unreal.
There were entire chapters chock-full of fluff that made me stay away from this book for a while, but compared to the violence and family drama in the book, they managed to avoid entering into cloying territory. I got a bit shocked and disappointed when
SpoilerKate accidentally kills her mum before revealing she had mental problems
and when
SpoilerKate's dad reveals she's freaking ADOPTED! I get the reason, but still
I was also expecting more from Henry. Like, I wanted him to have more depth, to have more personality. I guess that part by the end made up a little for that, but I felt short-changed. I guess it's good that
SpoilerHenry mentioned that he pitied her before eventually really falling in love with her
but I think I wasn't convinced enough with their romance.
SpoilerI really thought that they weren't ever gonna get together when they had a fallout because I almost hated Henry when he proposed to Kate, but I realized that Kate messed up the breakup and trivialized Henry's feelings and they needed to fix things up at least. But I really hoped before reading the last few pages that they'll simply move on with their lives.
I also think that the POV change in the last chapter was unnecessary. I dunno.
To sum up, Heart on a Chain is an okay read, especially if you're into drama, with a generous helping of fluff. It's not too wangsty for sure.