A review by getcremebrulaid
Even Better Than the Real Thing: A Romantic Comedy by Melanie Summers, Melanie Summers


I was lucky enough to be sent a free copy and am voluntarily leaving this honest review. I love Melanie Summers and this book did not disappoint!

What do you get when you throw two opposites into a fake marriage? A great book! Finley and Hayden are both wonderful characters. Finley is your typical art history nerd, but isn’t lacking in sass. While Hayden is a handsome grump that could brood for days. Together they must survive the next few months of marriage in order to secure Hayden’s inheritance. Naturally that comes with a lot of ups and downs.

I loved their separate voices and truly enjoyed the ride. The book starts off so differently for each character that even with the book blurb I had no idea how they were going to cross paths. And once it happened I jumped in head first and could not put the book down until I was finished. There were so many times when I wanted to shake them by the shoulders and just scream, “SAY IT.” I appreciate when books have the perfect balance of tension and tenderness and felt like this one achieved that.

Even Better Than the Real Thing tugged at my heartstrings. Reducing me to tears at a few points. Finley and Hayden had complicated families and I resonated with both of their stories. It’s hard feeling out of place in your tight knit family and having unresolved conflict with an absent parent. I think both topics were handled nicely and allowed for plenty of character growth for both Finley and Hayden.

Unlike most Melanie Summers books, this one had a bit more spice than normal which was a huge plus for me. It was the perfect amount and felt important to the story progression of the story. All in all, this was a really good read. I laughed, I cried, I had a great time reading. The ending wrapped up a little faster than I was anticipating, but was still incredibly sweet. YAY for HEAs!

This is a great standalone and I’m already excited for Melanie’s next book!