A review by galaxiesofbooks
Legendborn by Tracy Deonn

Did not finish book. Stopped at 24%.
man i was so excited to read this book, iʼve had such high hopes just for it to turn out to be the worst fantasy of 2021.
i donʼt wanna be harsh towards this book cuz obviously itʼs not bad, itʼs still someoneʼs favorite, but in all honesty, i fucking hated it. i hated the writing style, i hated the characters and i hated the magic system. i literally have nothing good to say about this book other than the cover. its cover is sooo damn stunning, why couldnʼt the story inside be just as stunning ??
it was so childish like— 😩😩 the main character Bree was sooo annoying, naive and i couldnʼt care less about her. neither about any of the other characters. her bff argued with Bree at one point and it was literally like middle school drama, so damn immature. i canʼt stand books like this.
the magic system was all a mess as well—confusing and little explained to the reader. i kept dozing off every time they said their freaking titles and ranks and just what they are in general. the author seemed to wanna grasp every character title in fantasy genre to this book, but instead itʼs gotten out of hand, confusing and a whole ass whirlpool.
also the monsters are imo like those from kids' books, so ... thatʼs that. 
the writing style was also really simple, nothing subtle. 
i tried so hard liking this book, but itʼs a huuuuge no no for me. iʼll pass 💀
if u liked it—good for u !! itʼs just my personal opinion x