A review by soulwinds
Skyward Volume 1: Into the Woods by Jeremy Dale


Three solid stars foe Skyward: Into the Woods

Quick Plot and Thoughts

This story is pretty much simply about a young boy (Quinn) who lives in the woods with his faithful dog (Jack) and his parents. His peaceful life is destroyed in the first 20 pages, of course, with the arrival of some unknown (to him) thugs that sets his home a blaze and *Spoiler alert*
Spoiler kills his mother and then his father who tries to get revenge

The boy is then chased into the woods...and the story cuts over to a new group of people who eventually start looking for Quinn. It's only 96 pages long so you don't really get a good grasp on what's going on and you seem to get thrown into the 'action' almost immediately. Again, it's only 96 pages so it's kind of like watching the first ten minutes of an action/adventure film and then having to wait for the next ten minutes to come in at the library.

In Conclusion

So from this itty bitty snippet of graphic novel I would say this is totally appropriate for the junior/middle school crowd. It's also super short...though I have no idea how many volumes are in the series...but the volumes are short. :-)

Not a bad 15 minute read. Not going to bother buying it for my library though. They want $10 for 96 pages...not happening. I may seek the rest of the series out via my public library though, since that's where I got the first one and I kinda want to know what the heck is going on!