A review by wildflowerz76
Curse of the Kingsmans by Ethan Somerville, Emma Daniels


Oh my. First, this was gym reading, aka I got it free or super cheap for the Kindle.

There were SO MANY things wrong with this book. Where do I start? First, the romance between to two main characters was awful. It felt like it was written by a 12yo. It was incredibly simplistic and unbelievable. Likewise the relationship between the girl and her parents. Actually, the entire thing was like that. The girl was TSTL. The culprits were INCREDIBLY easy to identify to the reader, but the characters were complete imbeciles about it.

-I don't care what the circumstances were, you're father BEATS YOU! You moron. Run far away and never talk to him again!
-Her brother was definitely younger than she was, but wasn't he only 16 or so? Men didn't get married that early!
-Methinks. Holy shit, enough with that already. It was annoying and completely over-used. Followed closely by "tis."
-Why did she lose her voice when she fell and hurt herself while pregnant?
-Why couldn't the mother, Maire, write down what she needed to say. She acted like she couldn't communicate AT ALL because she couldn't speak.
-So, main female injures herself while she's pregnant, bleeding copiously. Somehow she loses her voice in the process. Then she stays in bed for a week and she's all fine and dandy after that? So much so that she then has sex? Um, what?
-Evil merchant guy had long blonde hair cut in a pageboy style. Seriously? /snicker