A review by hammard
The Science Fiction Hall of Fame, Volume One, 1929-1964 by Judith Merril, C.M. Kornbluth, Murray Leinster, Lewis Padgett, Anthony Boucher, Lester del Rey, Jerome Bixby, Cordwainer Smith, Theodore Sturgeon, Fredric Brown, Richard Matheson, James Blish, Fritz Leiber, Isaac Asimov, Daniel Keyes, Clifford D. Simak, Robert Silverberg, John W. Campbell Jr., A.E. van Vogt, Alfred Bester, Damon Knight, Arthur C. Clarke, Tom Godwin, Roger Zelazny, Robert A. Heinlein, Stanley G. Weinbaum, Ray Bradbury


I am finding as I read more of his works, why I much prefer Kornbluth's collaborations with Pohl than his solo outings. Whilst he has some interesting ideas and a better understanding of character than others, his style and structure do not hold up well for me, and often I was left crawling to the end of these pieces to be disappointed.