A review by jg1987
Role Model by Rachel Reid


4.5 Stars

[b:Role Model|56585108|Role Model (Game Changers #5)|Rachel Reid|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1620094258l/56585108._SX50_.jpg|85133195] is book 5 in the absolutely stellar Game Changers series by [a:Rachel Reid|17722552|Rachel Reid|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1564756296p2/17722552.jpg]. This series has just been one hit after another and this installment was no different; I loved every minute of it. As much as I can appreciate the sunny and cheerful nature of someone like Harris, as a bit of a grump myself, I immediately had a soft spot for Troy. He starts off the novel as reserved, broody and angsty, and I loved seeing Harris and the rest of the Ottawa team break through his defenses. He really did deserve to be free of everything and everyone that was bringing him down in his old life. This novel is a great redemption story and was a perfect mix of angsty and sweet. I also can't go without mentioning the perfection that is Ilya Rozanov, even as a supporting character. We all know he and Shane’s sequel is up next and I am bursting at the seams with excitement.