A review by pixies2408
The Stopover by TL Swan


Emily was on her way back home, after a trip to london from her friends wedding, when a drunk started causing problems and Emily's luggage thrown around, as an apology she gets upgraded to first class. This is where she meets Jameson, they started flirting and there was definitely chemistry, which lead to a very steamy night. He never asked for her number when he left, and she didn't no who he was until 1 year later when she turns up at her new job.

"I swear to you, from this moment on...you are my everything.Our new life together...starts right now"

Emily is just your normal person trying to get on with life the best she can, trying to be strong at times when you know she isn't, I definitely felt sorry for her at times. Jameson is everything in this book, his an asshole, controlling, possessive and argumentative, but he is also the most caring person, who puts those he loves before himself. When he loves its all or nothing.

"Being in love is like being on a deserted island,Jameson. You focus on them and only them, and you make everything else fit around that person."

This book had me feeling all sorts of this happy, sad, annoyed, and there was one point that I was laughing out loud, and it was steamy in places.

"thankyou" I whisper. Her eyes search mine. "What for?" "For finding me."