A review by thoroughlymodernreviewer
Mj-12: Shadows: A Majestic-12 Thriller by Michael J. Martinez


ARC provided by Edelweiss in exchange for a fair and honest review.

MJ-12: Shadows improves on the foundations laid out in MJ-12: Inception in every way and ultimately ends up being even better than the first book was. The characters are developed in ways that are emotionally true to who they are and narratively interesting and relevant, the plot is expanded in ways that are both surprising and completely logical, and the alternate history elements are managed with continued grace and knowledge. MJ-12: Shadows is an excellent book in every way you look at it. It's gripping, entertaining, and suspenseful. Martinez expertly juggles the demands of the mysteries, the action scenes, and the character moments of the novel. No single element outweighs another, and it all coalesces into a sensible, enjoyable whole. The characters are fleshed out and relatable. It's well researched, well paced, and well written. It feels like the logical follow up to the first novel while also taking the series into new and interesting directions. If you enjoyed the first novel, you'll definitely enjoy this one, and you'll find yourself eagerly awaiting the publication of the third novel (hopefully there's a third novel! There's still so much left unexplored). Michael J. Martinez is definitely an author that everybody should be watching. His books may seem to target a niche audience, but he does a great job at bridging the gaps between genres. This is a spy novel, a superhero novel, an action thriller, a mystery, and an engaging examination of humans thrust into dangerous positions. I can't recommend it enough.

(Full review at my blog)