A review by cathaldon1
Remembrance of the Daleks by Ben Aaronovitch


Remembrance of the Daleks starts off strong, returning to the setting of the original Doctor Who serials while looking at the time period with more attention to contemporary life. It makes sense that, in an England not even 20 years after WWII, characters would be mildly traumatised and injured by war and scarred childhoods, and it makes sense National Front holdouts would continue to agitate afterwards. However the book runs out of steam in the second half, with a Dalek civil war consisting of samey skirmishes up and down roads, and the aforementioned National Front plot failing to find its bite. The cast of ensemble of characters may have come to life on TV, but blend into each other on the page. It works, it makes sense, there’s pleasure to be had in watching it all shake out, but it doesn’t live up to its potential - a decent first outing for Aaronovitch all the same.