A review by witandsin
The Madame of Gravestone by Misty Burke


My review originally posted on Joyfully Reviewed: http://www.joyfullyreviewed.com/new-reviews/the-madame-of-gravestone-by-misty-burke

Photographer Tripp Monroe can’t believe he’s assigned to photograph the Steampunk Ball and he really can’t believe what the crackpot who’s throwing it is telling him. Professor Greggor claims there’s an alternate universe. One in which the Civil War ended quite differently. The North stepped away from the war, the South formed its own country, and the West pulled away, forming a monarchy known as Westland. Tripp doesn’t believe a word of this…until he literally falls into the world Professor Greggor described and lands in the path of Emma, the Madame of Gravestone. Emma’s fighting to save Westland from the evil king and she needs Tripp’s help. Tripp knows he should walk away and try to find a way back to his world, but there’s something about Emma he finds impossible to resist.

Take a trip (no pun intended) to the wild, wild Westland in The Madame of Gravestone. Misty Burke has penned a fast-paced, fun steampunk adventure. Tripp’s an easy hero to fall for. He’s part brooding outsider, part helpful photographer, and part deliciously tempting hero. As for Emma, she’s a brave soul that leads a somewhat-merry band of outlaws fighting to aid the people of Westland. The reasoning behind her mission is a bit of a surprise, so I’ll leave that to readers to discover on their own. A healthy dose of eroticism, stemming from Emma and Tripp’s interactions, adds to the liveliness of The Madame of Gravestone. If I could wish for one thing, it would be that The Madame of Gravestone were a bit longer. There’s so much potential to Tripp, Emma, and their world that I felt it was a bit rushed, particularly when it came to the romance. Still, I really enjoyed The Madame of Gravestone and I’m looking forward to the next installment in The Corset Chronicles!