A review by casreads
Minder by Kate Kaynak


Excerpt: "Maddie Dunn has always had strong flashes of insight into the thoughts and feelings of those around her, but she never dreamed it was anything more than intuition - until the day she fights her way out of the most horrifying situation imaginable brandishing no weapon but her mind. The power that erupts in Maddie is not mere thought power, but a physical forcefield of energy that rises from her in an unconscious response to her sheer terror. The aftermath of this phenomenon has the police asking a few too many questions, but before Maddie finds herself in jail two mysterious figures swoop in and spirit her away to Ganzfield, a school for teens who, like Maddie, have special and potentially dangerous abilities. Maddie soon finds herself caught up in a familiar social hierarchy, but with a twist; at Ganzfield there are charms (who can compel others to obey their every command), telepaths, healers, remote viewers (who can mentally view anyone, anywhere), pyrokinetics, and even a telekinetic. A telekinetic who, Maddie soon learns, she can connect with on an unfathomable level. However, just as Maddie dares to hope that she might get a happy ending in spite of her traumatic past, the sadistic enemies of Ganzfield rear their ugly heads - leaving the teenage heroine no choice but to push her new-found powers to their limit and take matters into her own hands, even if it costs her her life."

To read the rest of this review, please visit: http://thebookishtype.blogspot.com/2010/07/minder-by-kate-kaynak.html