A review by thebooktrail88
The Joyce Girl by Annabel Abbs


Review nearer to publication but I just wanted to recommend this now as I read this and thought oh my god can this be true? It is and even more shocking because of it.

James Joyce had a daughter who was placed in an asylum for reasons that will shock you and then kept there for opinions and the culture of the times which shock you even more. I can' honestly believe this was true and what women of the time had to go through but here you are. What's worse is the way mental health issues of the time were dealt with.

This is a really interesting and poignant book to read that is part true part fiction and really reveals more of the life of James Joyce and Samuel Beckett that you didn't know. I was mesmerised and shocked at the same time.

Out in June and should definitely be on your TBR pile.