A review by booksteacupnreviews
Barnabas Tew and the Case of the Cursed Serpent by Columbkill Noonan


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Barnabas Tew and the Case of the Cursed Serpent, a third in Barnabas Tew series, was a cozy historical and humorous mystery and adventure of English detectives, Barnabas Tew and Wilfred Colby in the Mayan Empire. Along with solving the case of cursed serpent the book was about, new friendship, companionship, loyalty, family feud and lots of drama.

The story started with interesting new case and the world. In this third installment of Barnabas Tew series, bumbling English detective Barnabas and his young assistant Wilfred were precipitously sent for their new case right to the hut of Ixchel, Goddess of healing living in Cozumel island of Mayan empire. Soon both detectives learned about death of uncle Rabbit, Xibablba demons trying to take over the world, illness of feathered snake. Another end of the world danger. Their unfortunate fortune! Once again they have to set foot in underworld.

A world where pronunciation is too difficult for simple minded of detective, world they know next to nothing and a case that has so many suspects and the dangerous ball game, unhelpful Gods and dangerous tests made their case difficult to solve and adventurous for readers.

As I have read previous book in series, I can tell this should be read in order as you get better acquainted with our protagonists- Barnabas and Wilfred, their predicament ending up in the world of Gods and solving their cases, and what to expect from our detectives.

From the very first chapter Barnabas and Wilfred made me chuckle by their wit and nature. I could see they have developed their sleuthing skills and have learned from their previous cases to be cautious and not to trust easily. Barnabas and Wilfred’s deductive skills have also improved along with the writing and plot.

Once again, Barnabas put himself and his detective in path of danger by his famous skill of making terrible blunders and cantankerous nature. But one cannot be cross with him long by his silly but always right conscience. I adored him for showing courage during the ball game, saving bat and hero twins.

Wilfred was also brilliant in solving the puzzle, directing his argumentative detective in right path and not leaving him alone to die as and when occasion emerged.

This duo showed wonderful companionship. Their banter and conversations with other Gods were most charming part of the book. One can never get bored in their company.

Author built a mesmerizing world. I was impressed by setting of jungle, cenotes, Gods and their characteristics, way to the underworld and test houses they must pass there. The theory of colander that helped to understand the danger to the world was brilliant.

Poor detectives met many Gods while investigating the matter of saving the world. Some were helpful while some gave them tough time and lead them to suspects and process seem to have no end. The suspense was little shadowed by their adventure. It was like you had the true suspect right there but due to misdirection both detectives kept stalling and their progress in solving the case was delayed by chasing the wrong suspect. But in doing so they found valuable clues that helped to learn them more about world and family feud.

What I loved most about the book was- their adventure journey through underworld-which was amusing to read; Gods of Mayan Empire- oh I loved Moon and Sun Gods and Mr. Bee, Bat God and Monkey Gods (well, they had names but I find it difficult to write and pronounce like detectives); and some hilarious moments- There were so many laughing out loud moments especially when they encountered Bat God, met Hero Twins and when they were falling, I tell you that happened so many times, and their attire was not at all helpful. Oh, I’m still laughing remembering the reaction of Moon God while they were falling.

Climax was great. As soon as they met Hero Twins I knew who was behind the whole scheme but our detectives were stuck into more pressing situations. And when finally the j’accuse moment arrived it turned into a comical ball game. End was, well, unexpected as I expected them to utter their undying wish but they surprised me by what they asked for from Ixchel. So it’s not the end and yet it’s the end, I mean it’s up to author if we are going to plunge into another adventure or not.

Overall it was full of entertainment, humorous moments, and quirky characters. It was wonderful and amusing adventure and mystery of bumbling detectives in the Mayan world. I definitely recommend this book for humorous, light read for cozy mystery lovers.

*** Note: I received e-copy of this book from the author via Rachel’s Random Resources, in exchange for an honest review. ***