A review by rgrigsby80
The Death of the Necromancer by Martha Wells


I really enjoyed this book. Fantastic world-building, interesting characters, and, as always, bits of humor sprinkled through.

Some favorite quotes:
Spoiler“"It's a wig, Madele, a wig." She snatched it off and brandished it, scattering pins on the dusty ground.
"That's a relief. You could at least introduce me."
To the wig? Nicholas though, stepping down from the wagon, then realized she meant him."”

“"I have a plan.” This was true. “I just don’t know whether it will actually work or not.” This, unfortunately, was also true."”

“My sources of information -- and I'll admit, most of them are prostitutes, either professionals or amateurs -- all believe Diero to be heavily in debt to Montesq."”