A review by bookwife
The Sweetest Burn by Jeaniene Frost


It breaks my heart to rate this book so low. I love Jeaniene Frost, I mean I LOVE her. I think she is a fabulous writer and I just think she is the sweetest lady... I mean I haven't ever met her but she is so sweet in her interviews and in her blogs.. lol.

Anyways, I kind of didn't like this book at all. I can not stand the heroine. Ivy is a moron. She just found out about this whole other world 6ish months ago and she thinks she knows everything. She yells and tells like the head angel guy that he is wrong and that she could do his job better. She was absolutely obnoxious in this book. I wanted to punch her 99% of this book.

The story line itself was good. They went after the 2nd holy artifact. But I honestly couldn't get past Ivy. Nothing else stood out except how much I disliked her.

I am absolutely going to read the next book. I need to know how it ends but this one just didn't do it for me.