A review by rick2
Tao Te Ching by Laozi


Vague spiritual gobbeldygook that makes me feel better about this absurd thing we call life. This book has consistently provided a source of calm and peace in what often seems like an adversarial world.

For example: Things like"A person of great virtue is like the flowing water" don't actually mean anything in themselves, but they're just vague enough and powerful enough to remind me the let up on the reins a bit.

Maybe we really are like water? Maybe I shouldn't get so pissed off when this tortoise reincarnated as a human being in a RAV4 is moving somewhere between 5 an 10 MPH under the speedlimit, and as best I can understand, just to deliberately antagonize me.

"I am calm and peaceful like the boundless ocean." I tell myself instead as I think about how to run them off the road.

"Good deeds leave no signs. Good words leave no flaws." I briefly think that as long as I don't leave any identifiable evidence, than my soul is clear. Dexter taught me how to do that. 'how accurate is Dexter?' I wonder and contemplate asking Siri if she can look up who consulted on the show.

I think about how I should bestow this boy with "Calamity is what blessings depend upon." Teach him some calamity based Tao. Quick slam into his quarter panel should do the trick. Send him flying into the concrete next to the highway. As I roll past with a 'Oh my lord, what happened?' look stapled to my face, I'll mutter "True Persons... do not obstruct the people’s progress." under my breath.

But no, "Gentleness is the way of application of Tao." and "Simplicity is to restrain one’s desires." Uncle Lao wouldn't want blood everywhere. And while water can rage like a tsunami, in this case I understand my essential wetness should be more like a gentle puddle for ducks.

"be still and let the muddy water slowly become clear" I slow my car down, an absurd contraption, harnessing the power of processed Mesozoic age plankton to propel me at speeds no historic human could conceptualize short of throwing themselves from the top of a cliff.

Taking a deep breath, I mutter "Harmonize with the glory. Mix in unity with the lowliness." as the RAV4 pulls off at the exit in front of me. Just another day on this ridiculous rock hurtling through space.

And to all you out there with your criticisms, this text, like all great texts, has a snarky self satisfying answer for you. It's that you're stupid and inadequate in bed.

"When a superior man heard of Tao,
He cultivates himself diligently.
When an average man heard of Tao,
He is doubtful, vague and would give up halfway.
When an inferior man heard of Tao,
He laughs and thinks of It as foolish.
If Tao is not being laughed at,
It is not the Great Tao."

Great Tao 1 - Haters 0

Get gud haters.