A review by amavi
Браћа Карамазови I by Fyodor Dostoevsky

I won't rate this as it's not the whole book(book one and two).
I'm really biased- I love Dostoevsky, he simply works for me and I really missed his writing so I took my time and enjoyed every word of this. With that being said- no possible critique of him could come from me. 
While reading a book from two centuries ago, about three brothers in Russia, I felt closer to them than to most charactes from contemporary stories. That is why I love Dostoevsky, his works are the definition of timeless. You see his characters like the people you know right now. They are real, raw, they exist. The psychology of the characters just absolutely wow! The themes are explored richly but he's just scratching the surface in this one. I am beyond excited to start the second book(book three)