A review by chaos_tempest
Dragonwatch by Brandon Mull


I received an e-galley from the author/publisher through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Oh the nostalgia! Reuniting with Seth and Kendra in Fablehaven was something I never expected, but sorely needed. Wrymroost is in trouble, King Celebrant the Just is causing trouble as co-caretaker, demanding the right to leave the refuge as he deems fit. Death and destruction is all that awaits if the dragons ever get free, so Seth and Kendra are called in to do the unthinkable, the impossible really, with all the skills they gained fighting demons and dragons before.

Our story begins only a short while after the original Fablehaven series ended, Seth and Kendra are living at Fablehaven with both sets of their grandparents, and are, of course, still getting into tons of trouble. Well, Seth is. Seth is still a serious troublemaker, stealing treasure, antagonizing ogres, the usual. Kendra has come into herself a little bit better than when we first met her, she sees herself much better and has learned to stand up for herself. Character wise, they complement each other very well, as planned, but considering the original series ended almost 7 years ago, it would have been nice to see both a few years older, and maybe bringing in their cousins to the secret.

Besides that, this is a wonderful addition to the original series. Don't worry, it definitely isn't milking the series! Watching the story-line unfold was fascinating and reminded me so much of the
fun I had when I was younger, reading about Seth and Kendra for the first time. I was delighted, enthralled, and mystified. I can't wait for the next installment, hopefully it isn't too long!