A review by mad_about_books
Fabulous in Tights by Hal Bodner


The Great Depression and World War II saw the advent of the superhero with the introduction of Batman (in 1937) and Superman (in 1938 ), and Captain America and Wonder Woman (in 1941). The 1950s saw an explosion of new superheroes and their villainous counterparts that has continued to this day.

Now, in 2021, a new superhero swirls his blue-green, err… aquamarine, err… turquoise cape as he arrives on the scene to save the day in Centerport. Yes, it's turquoise people!

Hal Bodner brings a lot of humor and panache to this science fiction niche. It's a comic book without pictures except the ones that form in your mind.

Like all good superheroes, Whirlwind has an alter ego. His is the inimitable Alec Archer. Unlike other superheroes, Whirlwind is married which can be alarming when one of the baddies show up. This book's nemesis is Thanatos, but just who is under the terrifying mask? We are told that Whirlwind has saved Centerport from such malefactors as Erica the Eel, Momma Deadly, The Green Gecko, and Captain Dirigible. What these supervillains do will hopefully be described in subsequent books. Yes, hints are given, but we want details.

Whirlwind always makes an entrance, whether dashing into a burning building or standing atop a water tower. He strikes a pose and yells "Never fear! The Whirlwind is here!" Remind you of anyone?

FABULOUS IN TIGHTS is funny, irreverent, and action packed. Read it! You won't be disappointed!