A review by roseybot
We Are All Completely Fine by Daryl Gregory


Overall this was great! The ideas presented were interesting and well brought up. My only (non)complaint is that it was so short! The story works as it is, and my desire for MORE comes from a place of WANT not needing it for the story to be engaging. I wanted more, I wanted there to be more in the therapy sessions (you know, after Stan got called on hogging time), I wanted more with Harrison and Greta, I wanted more on Martin! I just wanted more.

I suppose I can't really complain about a well crafted story -- you don't get told outright what's going on a lot, but you do get enough information (without, thank god, flashbacks) to figure it out. It's kind of a relief to have the trail of clues spread out for you to read, Gregory and the reader have made the pact of reader and author, and he expects you to hold up your end with a vengeance.

Mostly this is a thinker. I don't think I got into it properly until chapter nine? I felt a weird distance with it, and can't tell if it's cause of the very different style/content to my usual reading, or something in the text. Anyways, I'll definitely be thinking about it. And feel like I should reread it with the understanding of what happens in it. I feel like I was missing something at the beginning that I now have having finished it, and it would be a different, less distancing experience to go through it again!

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