A review by prationality
The Piano Tutor by Anthea Lawson


(also available as part of [b:The Mammoth Book of Regency Romance|7619815|The Mammoth Book of Regency Romance|Trisha Telep|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1408940641s/7619815.jpg|10092735])

Diana, a recent widow caring for her twelve year old stepdaughter, becomes infatuated with the new piano tutor her best friend recommends. But is there more to this man than his very talented fingers? I think I would have liked this better if it had been longer. As it was everything felt so rushed and condensed--they meet, they make innuendo, they get scandalous, misunderstanding, revelation...end of story. It would have been better served, and maybe more believable, if there was more than a day's worth of interaction between the two leads.