A review by judyward
American on Purpose: The Improbable Adventures of an Unlikely Patriot by Craig Ferguson


Craig Ferguson has certainly has had an eventful life. He was raised in Glasgow, Scotland where he dropped out of school at 16, worked as an apprentice electrician, was a dummer for a punk bank call Bastards From Hell, and performed comedy routines under the name Bing Hitler. Along the way, he developed a life-threatening drug and alcohol addiction. Evenually his alcoholism became so severe that he decided to commit suicide one Christmas morning in London by jumping into the Thames and being swept away with the rest of the garbage. Luckily, he was distracted when a friend offered him a hefty serving of sherry in honor of Christmas. After going to rehab, Ferguson eventually moved to the U.S., landed a role on The Drew Carey Show, and eventually became the host of the Late, Late Show on CBS. In 2008, Craig Ferguson became a citizen of the United States and he strongly feels that "Scotland made me what I am and America let me be it." An entertaining and honest memoir that leaves the reader rooting for the author.