A review by katiebromley
The Girl with Seven Names by Hyeonseo Lee, David John


The Girl with Seven Names was an extremely powerful memoir about the life of a woman who was born and raised in North Korea and who eventually defected. She ran into so many obstacles on her path to a free life. I felt deeply for her as she described the greed of the people she met along the way, her sadness over missing her family, and how easy it was for people to take advantage of a person who is in a compromised position the way she was. It was also incredibly uplifting hearing about the people who helped her out of the kindness of their hearts.

It is easy to get in a habit of dwelling on the things that are not going well and lose gratitude over the everyday things we take for granted living in America, but this book really made me stop and think about how lucky I am relative to so many others in this world.