A review by mapmurph
Daughter of Moloka'i by Alan Brennert


I received this ARC from NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review.

I don't know where to start. We all know that there is American history that we aren't shown in school. I was appalled to hear about some of the conditions in the Japanese internment camps. This book is fictional but still based on history in some ways. I think the author did some justice to the camps and conditions, without getting too dramatic but not downplaying it either.

I was so glad that this book followed Ruth and her family. When I read the first book Moloka'i, I always wondered if we'd hear from Ruth at some point. The small part she played in the first book just wasn't enough.

I loved this series of books. I highly recommend reading Moloka'i and then this book when it is published.