A review by stucknbooks14
Filthy by Serena Akeroyd


This should NOT be your introduction to organized crime romance. You need to find out if you like the genre before you read about a rough and rugged mob man with unlimited resources blackmailing an innocent woman into sex.

We barely knew each other, but I knew enough to know I’d want her. Until I took my last breath, I’d need and want and crave this woman, and there was nothing and no one that would take her from me.

For as tough and demanding as Finn was, he was so gentle, reassuring, and thoughtful with Aoife. They can’t control themselves around each other. Yes, sexually, but it was more than that. Their worlds quickly began to revolve around the other. They began and ended with each other. The love, while complicated, was easy. The world was exploding around them, but it never ripped them apart. They only held each other tighter. My heart ACHED going into part two! And let’s be honest, part two didn’t exactly relieve the ache either. For all the drama, it wasn’t really enough drama, was it? Better security, throwing around money, quick fix. And then BAM! Boy, were we blind sided by the truth of things. I know that there is a “part two” of this coming, but I can’t ignore that such a big chunk of the story is ignored and could have definitely been included. It didn’t necessarily need another book. Or at least, it should have been dealt with in some way. Finn royally screwed up, and we have to wait to see it destroy him and Aoife? And putting it off like that? How very unlike Finn that is. He hands Aoife every dirty detail, no matter what. But now he chooses the one truth that could hurt her? However Aoife reacts to this, he deserves it.

My Favorite Quotes:
•’It was like God had formed a creature that was born to be my downfall.’
•”A man protects his treasure.”
•’Like I’d finally found my home.’
•”I’m so empty, baby.”
•”I don’t intend on losing you now that I’ve found you.”
•”The air I breathe belongs to you.”

8/10 Dirty Birdy
7/10 Instalove
7/10 Mafia
8/10 She’s Mine