A review by ksteigert
Pieces of a Life by Jewel E. Ann


From the day Colten moved in across the street, he and Josie were inseperable. Even though Josie's chief of police father has wanred Colten from being with her, Colten has always found his way back to Josie. But just before high school graduation, Colten up-ends all of their plans to be together after graduation.

Now, 17 years later, Josie works as a coroner and Colten as a detective. As their paths continue to cross, the two grow closer and closer. The question is whether Josie can forgive Colten for leaving her when she thought she needed him most.

This first book in their duet goes back and forth between present day and their past, and lets us see not only how they grew close in their childhood, but also how different they've become as adults. One of the things I've come to love about Jewel E Ann's writing is just how raw and honest her characters are. They are flawed and have bumps in the road, and don't have their stories wrapped up conveniently in tidy little bows. There are mistakes made, and there are messy situations that need forgiven.

I especially love this series because there is a hint of the unknown in each of the books in this series. Situations that can't quite be explained, and that make us wonder if what we've always known is as cut and dried as we've always believed.

I love when each book in a series is better than the last, and this series did not disappoint! I can't wait to find out what else lies in store for Colten and Josie in the second book of their duet!

Thanks so much to Valentine PR for gifting me a copy of this ARC.