A review by michellef
Dream with Me: Race, Love, and the Struggle We Must Win by John M. Perkins


`Dream With Me` is a memoir of, and written by, author John M. Perkins. John Perkins dreams of the day we win the struggles against race and love. Where African Americans and whites are living in peace with each other. His hopes are that his book will change the way Americans think. I was glad to see the forward written by an author I am familiar with, Randy Alcorn.

John Perkins spoke out for voter registration, enrolled his son in an all-white high school, and was beaten and tortured for his beliefs. He could have been full of bitterness, instead, he was full of grace toward all that had happened to him.

This book made me want to cry at the state America is in. We are supposed to be the land of the free, a melting pot of all races. Are we truly a friendly country, the land of the free?

This story is about America, my birthplace. My heart was broken at all John had gone through. How can someone go through so much and come out the other side full of grace? I would like to think I would be full of grace if such things happened to me. I wonder, as Americans, are we going to bond together and win this battle or are we going to let pride and division be our final fight (see page #31). I like the quote John used by Apostle Paul. `Christ has made peace between Jews and gentiles, and He has united us by breaking down the wall of hatred that separated us. Ephesians 2:14-16 (see page # 35).

Since I was a child in the 60's I didn't know much of what was happening. I knew whites and African Americans had different swimming holes and they lived in separate communities, rarely crossing over the imaginary lines that were drawn. To do so was shameful. My first experience of an African American in a `white` church was after I grew up and lived in Tampa. It was a real shock to me. However, I believe Jesus would invite all races to his true churches.

The author uses stories from the Bible to show how different ethnic groups are to come together through: Relocation, Reconciliation, and Redistribution. Get to know our neighbors, and our community, forgive sins and redistribute opportunities.

Disclaimer: "I was provided a free copy of this book. All opinions are my own."