A review by abookishwasp
The Sisters Grimm by Menna van Praag


I had very high expectations for this book and for about the first 15o pages or so, it met them, but after that it went downhill. I expected this to be a 4 or 5 star read and it would've been if the book were maybe 200 pages shorter. After the first 150 pages it started dragging on and it was super slow paced till the very end and that made me not wanna read it anymore but i pushed through because i was curious and wanted to know how it would end. As for the end (without spoiling anything) i expected something amazing and what i got was pretty anticlimactic. But maybe that's just me, maybe i just lost all excitement and had none left for the end of the story. I also wanna add that i loved the writing a lot, it was very lyrical (which is something i enjoy) but i didn't like the sudden switching of POVs. I felt like that took me out of the story and it was hard to get attached to any of the characters since i would spend no more than a couple of pages with each one. This also made it hard in the beginning for me to remember who was who, since the story kept jumping from one girl to the other. Even though this review sounds a bit negative, i can't say that i didn't enjoy the story, it's very unique and like nothing i've read before and i really loved the beginning so that's why i'm giving it 3.5 stars. If you think you will like this and if you don't mind slow paced books and lyrical/descriptive writing, the definitely give this a go.

*An e-copy of this book was kindly provided to me by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review*

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