A review by sc104906
Disappeared by Francisco X. Stork


This book uses alternating perspectives between reporter, Sara, and her younger brother, Emiliano.
Sara's best friend was kidnapped several months ago and she uses her position at the paper to continue shining light on her friend and other girls like. After Sara and her family are threatened, Sara's bosses insist that she stop investigating and work on other things. Sara simply can't and her honor makes her the best person for the job.
Emiliano has his own identity crises, when some bad dudes offer him the ability to make some money in a not so legal way. Emiliano must decide what is most important to him.

This was set up to be a fast crime mystery, but it was a bit dry for me. I did know the characters and I understood their motivations and actions, but it was difficult to connect with the story. I never found myself fully caring to solve the mystery. I feel that this novel gave hope to situations that felt hopeless. It just didn't rock my world.