A review by klindtvedt
Always Wanting by Alex Grayson


A Relentless, Emotion Pounding Dive into Hypersexual Disorder...

I have long had a relentless obsession with all things misunderstood, abhorred, or labelled taboo. It was what led me to study sociology and anthropology in college. It is what led me to work in clubs, bars, and “alternative” parties, and it is what continues to drive my interests all these years later that I still voraciously read, write, and observe all that I can. I am at home, residing in my truest self, when surrounded by (and learning from) things most feel should be hidden from view or react to with disgust. Why? Because I am endlessly curious why people fear and ferociously judge as “improper” aspects of sexuality and sexual expression outside the realm of societal norms.  And let me tell you this story, “Sex Junkie” by Alex Grayson, felt like coming home.

I had previously read Grayson’s book, “Hungry Eyes” and loved it, but upon realizing it was the last in her “Consumed” series, I stopped in my tracks and went back to the beginning. Unlike other series where books throughout can be read as standalones, that is not the case here, and I highly recommend you read them in order so that you glean the full understanding and appreciation of all the characters presented on the story world canvas in order to better understand the characters and scenarios within.  

This first installment is the story of Abby and Colt, Abby being a young woman sexually abused as a child by a classmate, and then plagued in adulthood by sexual addiction. A woman desperately longing for a relationship to cherish and call her own, to be able to give and experience love fully, but instead trapped by an unwanted affliction so physically debilitating, so mentally draining and all-consuming, her life is held hostage by her body’s craving demands. And Colt Maverick, a dark and brooding business mogul who comes to see Abby for whom she really is beyond the veil of her addiction. A man determined to show Abby the woman he sees, loves, and is determined to spend eternity with despite the difficulties her condition presents.

It is a beautifully graphic and heartfelt portrayal of the physical outcomes deep seated trauma can affect upon a life. A profoundly provocative portrayal of hypersexual disorder, an affliction for which the validity and basis are furiously still debated about within the medical and psychiatric communities, a disorder as misunderstood and dismissed by professionals as it is judged by everyday folk.

Here, Grayson’s vivid illustration of Abby’s struggle to live her life amidst her body’s overwhelming demand for sexual relief will cleave itself into your chest and leave you aching on her behalf. You will feel every ounce of pain she endures. You will mourn her losses with her, cheer her victories, and feel her longing deep, deep within your soul. You will also see those around her, the reactions to her, and the barriers present in her daily life with new eyes as you discover how the very fabric of our day-to-day lives are fashioned in a way that prevents true discovery and functionality to individuals existing beyond the very narrow veil of “normality”.

This is a brave portrayal of something many view as “just being in your head”, something often viewed with scorn or labeled as “just an excuse” to be a licentious and depraved. It is a refreshingly serious take on a disorder that afflicts many, and delves into the meat of how such a thing can come to be.  It is a gorgeously written story, one that has made me a huge fan of this author, and easily makes my list of top reads for 2020. I highly recommend this series!