A review by gohawks
DMZ The Deluxe Edition Book Two by Brian Wood, Riccardo Burchielli


You like comics and you haven't read DMZ yet? What are you waiting for, man? Wood rarely writes a clunker, and Burchielli's art is a perfect fit. What's the plot? Manhattan has become a demilitarized zone caught between the US Army and the group of Western Free States in a second Civil War. These states have risen up militia-style against their local governments. Manhattan is a mostly evacuated wasteland with groups torn between the two factions trying to survive. Matty Roth is the main protagonist working for a news organization abandoned in the zone. He attempts to report and follow the stories going on in the city. Many storylines have been ripped from the headlines with tales of terrorism and government corruption.
I didn't enjoy the collection as much as the first, because the narrative comes to a halt, as it sometimes does in comic book world, for single issue storylines of minor characters, basically an excuse to give the lead artist a break. Still, highlights include a storyline involving infiltration of a terrorist cell and the arc of a recruit in the US Army from South Dakota that is made a scapegoat by a shady Halliburton clone, Trustwell.
If this sort of thing seems up your alley, check it out. I can't imagine the subject matter receiving much better treatment.