A review by booking_along
Die Erben der Erde by Ildefonso Falcones


i was so excited when i saw that this book was coming since i really enjoyed “the cathedral...”

sadly this book was not as good as the first one in this “series” since this book felt even longer and dragged out than i already felt the first one was.
(it’s not rally a series since we follow a new character throughout his life and the only connection is that he knows the main character and his family of the first book, so if you haven’t read “the cathedral...” yet or are more interested you don’t have to to understand and enjoy this book - it just gives you a better background for a few characters you meet throughout this book)

that doesn’t mean it’s a bad book at all, just that i wish the author wouldn’t get so overly focused and fixated with specific historical moments and get completely lost on describing them for pages and pages.

i also didn’t love how, especially at the first 200-300 pages what could have been a beautiful childhood friendship be made into something sexual. i don’t enjoy that anyways by especially not if it’s basically between kids between the age of 10 to 14.

i get that that’s the time where sexuality starts to from and that sometimes people to get crushes or even actual deep feelings for those that are constantly around them but st he same time i also don’t think it’s necessary to always describe and write about this things in a book that is mostly about historical events.

maybe that’s just me.

all in all i wish it would have been at least 200 pages shorter (which would have still made it 720+ pages so clearly still long enough to tell a life story!) and with that left out a good amount of the scenes i found either completely unnecessary or dragging BUT all in all a good and readable historical fiction with great information about barcelona around 1390.