A review by turquoiseavenue
The Sea Before Us by Sarah Sundin


I'm a huge fan of author Sarah Sundin! I adore her WWII stories and was excited to begin reading this latest book. I will admit, at first, I was a tiny bit disappointed. The story was really hard to get into for me, but only in the beginning. I felt like Wyatt's background story was somewhat immature and unrealistic. I find it hard to believe a young man would want to kill his own brother over an accident. Maybe the author didn't make it quite real enough for me. However, I understand why the author used this event as the premise for the rest of the story and did like to see how Wyatt corrected the mistakes he made as a young man and grew in his personal relationship with the Lord because of it. About 1/3 of the way through the story, I began really enjoying the book. I loved Dorothy and her story, seeing her find her faith and grow in it was rewarding. I also highly enjoyed the historical events and battles that took place toward the end. I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys WWII fiction. it was a light read, sometimes lacking in depth, but good just the same. I'm looking forward to reading the second book in this series when it is available.

*I received an advance copy of this ebook from NetGalley.com in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.