A review by hereistheend
Just Ask!: Be Different, Be Brave, Be You by Sonia Sotomayor


Just Ask! features kids with different health/body differences, such as autism, diabetes, blindness, or ADHD. Sotomayor seeks to normalize both kids who feel or are seed as different, as well as talking about our differences. Accessibility isn’t just about technology and the width of door frames— it’s about welcoming one another into spaces, recognizing one another’s worths and abilities, and celebrating differences as powers. The book is a little informational in a conversational tone, but mostly feels loving and inviting. This is complimented by the vibrant, warm art full of kids enjoying themselves in a garden. Just Ask! is a valuable book for every child, whether they also have a difference, or we all need a reminder to love and respect every being, and never “in spite of.”