A review by the_evergrowing_library
Fluke l'uomocane by James Herbert


In my youth….. all those years ago, I devoured James Herbert books based on 2 things. 1) I loved horror books. 2) they were great charity shop find for my meagre funds.
The problem was when faced with ghosts, killer rats, deadly fog and…. Well, a dog…. Fluke managed to stay off my radar.

While you could argue a couple of his books fall under the thriller bracket, Fluke is Herbert’s only non-horror novel; A fantasy adventure from a dogs perspective.

Not only was this devoid of horror; its usage of violence and particularly sex was much more muted than one would expect from him.
It was strange to read a Herbert book that could be comfortably handed to a younger audience. Yes there was some usage and mentions, but we’ve all read watership down