A review by amberinpieces
Boleyn Tudor Vampire by Cinsearae S.


King Henry VIII ordered that Anne Boleyn should be executed for adultery, witchcraft, incest, and all around treason. She was sentenced to be burned at the stake. But then her sentence was commuted to beheading. And then it was commuted to…hanging?

What happens when the unfairly accused and very well-known second wife and queen of Henry VIII loses her faith seconds before her death and becomes one of the undead? What fun and wicked things can she accomplish with this newfound power?

What an interesting book. I have been eyeing this one for a little while and could not wait to get my hands on it. At first, I intended on buying the Kindle edition but there was no Kindle edition to be had! So I had to wait and I cannot tell you how many times I went back to Amazon to check if it was available for the Kindle yet and how many times I clicked on the link that said, “Tell the publisher that you want to read this on the Kindle” or something along those lines.

Read the full review here.