A review by red_sky
Whispers and the Roars by K Webster


First big thing is the 'plot twist' or whatever. It was interesting and surprising for this story but a well overused trope/plot device currently. However the plot twist was definitely not enough of a shock to warrant every review and summery to start off with 'you really need to go into this blind'

I suppose the book wouldn't get read as much without that though. I would be lying if I didn't say it contributed to me picking it up. In addition to it being read by my favorite narrator Kylie Stewart of course!

I did enjoy the book though. It was interesting and engaging. The nicknames got extremely annoying by the end. If I hear 'kitty muncher' ever again in my life I think my ears will bleed.

There was one scene in particular that happened before the twist that made me really uncomfortable. Bravo to the author for that, it takes a lot at this point for me you physically cringe from a book, but they succeeded in that.

Over all a solid read.