A review by heart_eater
Starman by Sara Douglass


I'm so on the fence about my feelings for this series. While I really enjoyed the first book, I was not thrilled by the second, and this one didn't bring much else to the table except for bittersweet closure.

Axis is terrible and only grew more so in my eyes as the story went on. Faraday is once again getting treated like crap and as a side character, when I'd rather read more about her, then is killed off at the very end. Azhure, while I want to hate her for taking Axis from Faraday (while simultaneously being glad she rid her of that asshole), is probably the most exciting character in this whole book. I found myself wishing we could just read about the two women and kill Axis off; everyone would be better off!

Uhg. You get 3 stars, because I love the writing and some of the story, but I'm keeping two stars because I hate Axis and all of the stupid names for everything (seriously, StarFinger?!?!?!?! UHGGG!). Oh well.