A review by whisperingchapters
A Matter of Time by Lisa M. Basso


This 3.5 stars coffee mugs review was first published on Latte Nights Reviews.

This review may be a spoiler for the first 2 books of the series.

I read the first two books of the Angel Sight series, A Shimmer of Angels and A Slight of Hope, when I first started blogging and I have to say I fell in love with the characters, especially the fallen, wingless angel Kade. I kept paying attention to when this blog tour would be announced and finally it was and I was selected to be a part of it! Each book had a cliffhanger and I just needed this third book, thinking that it would be the end, with a happy ending, you know? Yeah, well... Not the case. Apparently, we are left with another cliffhanger, which I have not recovered from at all, even though it's a very small cliffhanger.

The previous book had ended with Kade and Rayna going into Hell and it kind of started where it left off...kind of. Rayna is in chains, being tortured and Kade has been with the Fallen for so long that the need to feed on humans is very strong. The reader just wants these two lovely characters together after suffering through so many downs. Rayna is all alone in Hell with the Fallen and it is not easy to read about because she suffers through a lot and once I connected with her in the previous books, I was suffering with her through all of it. Once Rayna and Kade manage to escape, Rayna is not the same person and it takes a great deal to get her back to how she used to be. As soon as she comes to, she wants to save the human race because Hell has literally broken loose on Earth.

The fights are bad-ass. Lisa always manages to describe everything so perfectly. It's very hard for me to read fight scenes because sometimes, I have no idea what the hell they are doing but that has never been the case with this series, which I have loved since the beginning. You're probably thinking why I gave this book 3.5 stars, since I liked it. The reason being that I consider the previous books much better than this one. I felt the story rushed and at times, it would go at a slow pace. Then when I reach the ending, it's pretty much a cliffhanger and I'm left dumbfounded.

All in all, I won't say it was the perfect ending because I believe it continues, but when it comes to fighting the Fallen, it was amazing. The book was very well balanced with the characters. This was told in dual points of view, which I totally loved because I got to get inside Kade's head, the guy I have loved since the beginning. Also, something I liked about was more emotional level it had, more so than the previous ones.

Fans of this story won't be disappointed, except for the ending. Don't take it the wrong way, all of it has a great ending but there's a very small matter that has me thinking that there could be another story, maybe not centered on Kade and Rayna but I hope there's another addition to this because I really want to know what is happening to one of the characters.

I can't say much more because it will really be big spoilers but if you guys haven't read this series, I really recommend it. Don't be biased on my rating but focus on the actual review itself. The book is very interesting for sure and I got to read about my favorite characters that I'm sure you will love, as well.