A review by fish3718
Self Love by T.L. Clark


Self Love is a tale by T.L. Clark that I would highly recommend reading this story that needs a pick me up. TL Clark is becoming one of my favorite authors. Clark has a way to work you the reader into her story by making one of her characters seem just like you. This story is no different. Molly is the main female character. I identify with Molly. She is a hot mess at times. In the second chapter Molly thinks about a former employee:
“We weren’t exactly bosom buddies. I didn’t expect him to contact me. But Please don’t lie and pretend you miss me.”
It is this that tone that kept me reading to the end. I have to tell you that I am not going to tell you much more because I do not want to say spoilers. You will have to read the story and enjoy Molly.