A review by zanjabeel_z
We Are the Song by Catherine Bakewell


Thank you NetGalley for the ARC!

We Are The Song is a book full of light and magic, I don't know if you understand but what I'm trying to convey is that it's brimming with hope and happiness.
I found that the magic system was very original and unique, definitely the best part of this book. The MC was so sweet and cute!
The second best part though was Elissa's relationship with Caé. These days, we don't get strong relationships with God in books anymore and whenever anything like that is written people criticise it but I don't, I look forward to it. I just really loved the faith Elissa had in Caé and how everyone loved their Goddess.
To conclude I'd say We Are The Song is a magical and an amazing book perfect to read in one sitting.

3.75 stars!