A review by elliefufu
Deeper Than Midnight by Lara Adrian


I really wanted to love this book because this has been one of my favorite series for a long time but it just wasn't what I expected at all. As most fans if the Breed series I have been dying for Hunter's book but this felt like it was more of a catch up on old story lines and a set up for the future. I had a very hard time believing in Hunter and Corrine's love adventure for a couple of reasons. First, they were only together for maybe a week and they are throwing out "I love you's" and "you're my homes" which I never buy into and ruin stories for me. Add in the fact that Corrine has been tortured and raped for YEARS and after a week of being free jumps into bed with Hunter I was just not feeling or believing anything in this book. I did enjoy the set up for Chases book and I Loved that Tess FINALLY had her baby. Other then those to things I would rate this in my least favorite pile of the series. I feel that a lot of authors have a hard time after a while with their series because there are so many characters and way too much stuff going on. The lead up to the following book takes up half of the book before it and I feel kinda cheated because of this. The beginning books were great because they were 80% about the couple and 20% of everything else now it's reversed and it's not fun anymore.