A review by mscoleman1920
Luck of the Titanic by Stacey Lee


I'm glad I went to the library on a whim for this one. It was on my list and I am glad I gave it a moment. It is straight up a Chinese version of Titanic but the author played up the racism and fixed the "door problem." Lee had some beautiful personification examples and metaphors which really did add to her narrative. It would work as a summer reading book next year.

This was also great for another way to show perspective through a single character. 1st v 3rd class, white v Chinese, twin v twin. Lots of shifts occur but are minor and within one character. Kind of crazy to see but really illuminating. Worth reviewing for 8th and the early 20th century.

"Don't spend too much time looking behind you, or you'll miss out on what's ahead." - Valora quoting her mom

"Lady Sky wears rouge when she wants to be noticed." -Valora about the sky

"It's clear we experienced our sameness in very different ways." - Valora and Jaime

"I'm not a leaver. People can leave me, but I'll never leave them when I'm still needed." -Valora